About the Project
Free Play is all about giving creative photographers both amateur and professional the chance to come in and use our space and equipment to develop, test and try out new skills free of charge.
“Just last week I came up with this idea when I was thinking back to when I was growing up and chasing my dreams to become a professional freestyle motocross rider. Back then and still now riders all over the country would allow me to ride and practice at their own compounds, not to make any money just because we shared the same passion for dirt bike riding and I thought to my self how is this passion any different to photography.” Matthew McFerran | Gold Coast Studio owner
As of this Monday August the 3rd the Gold Coast Studio is excited to open its doors free of charge one night a week for two hours to any creative photographers as we launch our Free Play nights. This is totally just free time for your self to play with ideas.
Free Play
– One photographer each week
– 2 hours private session in the studio
– Full use of all equipment ( flashes, soft boxes and reflectors )
– No commercial or advertising photography
To apply please send us an email to info@goldcoastphotostudio.com.au with a basic idea of what and when you want to shoot and we’ll try make it work one afternoon of the week.
*These nights are for skill development and practice only and not to scam a free studio to shoot your products.